Title | cloudrnaSPAdes: Isoform assembly using bulk barcoded RNA sequencing data. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Authors | Meleshko D, Prjbelski AD, Raiko M, Tomescu AI, Tilgner H, Hajirasouliha I |
Journal | bioRxiv |
Date Published | 2023 Jul 27 |
Abstract | MOTIVATION: Recent advancements in long-read RNA sequencing have enabled the examination of full-length isoforms, previously uncaptured by short-read sequencing methods. An alternative powerful method for studying isoforms is through the use of barcoded short-read RNA reads, for which a barcode indicates whether two short-reads arise from the same molecule or not. Such techniques included the 10x Genomics linked-read based SParse Isoform Sequencing (SPIso-seq), as well as Loop-Seq, or Tell-Seq. Some applications, such as novel-isoform discovery, require very high coverage. Obtaining high coverage using long reads can be difficult, making barcoded RNA-seq data a valuable alternative for this task. However, most annotation pipelines are not able to work with a set of short reads instead of a single transcript, also not able to work with coverage gaps within a molecule if any. In order to overcome this challenge, we present an RNA-seq assembler allowing the determination of the expressed isoform per barcode. RESULTS: In this paper, we present cloudrnaSPAdes, a tool for assembling full-length isoforms from barcoded RNA-seq linked-read data in a reference-free fashion. Evaluating it on simulated and real human data, we found that cloudrnaSPAdes accurately assembles isoforms, even for genes with high isoform diversity. |
DOI | 10.1101/2023.07.25.550587 |
Alternate Journal | bioRxiv |
PubMed ID | 37546844 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC10402000 |
Grant List | R35 GM138152 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States |