Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

The intrinsic substrate specificity of the human tyrosine kinome.

TitleThe intrinsic substrate specificity of the human tyrosine kinome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsYaron-Barir TM, Joughin BA, Huntsman EM, Kerelsky A, Cizin DM, Cohen BM, Regev A, Song J, Vasan N, Lin T-Y, Orozco JM, Schoenherr C, Sagum C, Bedford MT, R Wynn M, Tso S-C, Chuang DT, Li L, Li SS-C, Creixell P, Krismer K, Takegami M, Lee H, Zhang B, Lu J, Cossentino I, Landry SD, Uduman M, Blenis J, Elemento O, Frame MC, Hornbeck PV, Cantley LC, Turk BE, Yaffe MB, Johnson JL
Date Published2024 May 08

Phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine (Tyr) residues evolved in metazoan organisms as a mechanism of coordinating tissue growth1. Multicellular eukaryotes typically have more than 50 distinct protein Tyr kinases that catalyse the phosphorylation of thousands of Tyr residues throughout the proteome1-3. How a given Tyr kinase can phosphorylate a specific subset of proteins at unique Tyr sites is only partially understood4-7. Here we used combinatorial peptide arrays to profile the substrate sequence specificity of all human Tyr kinases. Globally, the Tyr kinases demonstrate considerable diversity in optimal patterns of residues surrounding the site of phosphorylation, revealing the functional organization of the human Tyr kinome by substrate motif preference. Using this information, Tyr kinases that are most compatible with phosphorylating any Tyr site can be identified. Analysis of mass spectrometry phosphoproteomic datasets using this compendium of kinase specificities accurately identifies specific Tyr kinases that are dysregulated in cells after stimulation with growth factors, treatment with anti-cancer drugs or expression of oncogenic variants. Furthermore, the topology of known Tyr signalling networks naturally emerged from a comparison of the sequence specificities of the Tyr kinases and the SH2 phosphotyrosine (pTyr)-binding domains. Finally we show that the intrinsic substrate specificity of Tyr kinases has remained fundamentally unchanged from worms to humans, suggesting that the fidelity between Tyr kinases and their protein substrate sequences has been maintained across hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

Alternate JournalNature
PubMed ID38720073
PubMed Central ID3996475

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New York, NY 10021